TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Item Activity View

The Item Activity View might be thought of also as a component pegging view, but with some subtle differences. The view shows all transactions related to a given item's supply and demand within the selected date range. Use the Item Activity View function to view all current activities for an item filtered by source and date.

You can select what type of supply or demand to view or simply view everything. By clicking on the top of the displayed columns you can immediately sort the data into the desired sequence.

Unlike the Component Pegging View, the Item Activity View doesn't use a Period Definition ID, thus all data is shown within the date range. This may include data that's legitimate but may not be applicable depending on how the various RP reports are printed. For instance sales orders and sale forecasts for the same date can't both be used in the calculation, even if both appear on the view.

The Item Activity View can prove very useful in tracking down the source of a supply or demand number when a large amount of data exists.

  1. Select the item for which to view activity from the Item ID field.
    Note: The Location ID and Unit fields display the default information from Inventory. Adjust these fields if necessary.
  2. Select the type of activity to view from the Source section. Click the All button to select all source records. Click the None button to unselect all source records.
  3. Select the date range for which you want to view activity from the Date From and Thru fields.
  4. Click the Apply button, in the toolbar, to generate the summarized availability for the selected item.

After arranging and sorting the columns how you want to view the information:

Use the Preview Report button to view a preview of the information as a report. To print the report, click the Print button or to export the report to a PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, Excel, CSV, Text, or Image File, click the Export Document button.

Use the Export Data button to export and save the data as an HTML, XML, plain text, or Microsoft Excel document.
Note: Depending on the output type selected, the information may export exactly as it appears on the screen, including column widths and expanded or collapsed grouped entries.

Use the Views button to save the current parameters set for the interactive view for using at a later time. You can also use the button to select, edit, or delete from the multiple saved views.

Use the Reset Layout button to reset the column headings and any sorting changes made to the information table.

For more information on using interactive views, see the Interactive Views Overview and Using Reports.